Wednesday, November 18, 2009


An update after...5 days?

First thing's first..the ME in the past 5 days..
1. Had fun
2. Having fun
3. Still having fun and,
4. Will be having more FUN SOON..

It's kinda shitty when you forgot how to drive (read as : parking), almost crashed my car yesterday, but my super driving skill saved my ass.

sidestory...about the girl that I've been chasing for the past fucking 7 years? FORGET IT, it's like, if I'm in a DoTa game, people will start saying " You fucking cmi liao lah" or something like that. YES,SHE'S GOT SOMEONE WITH HIM NOW. Felt like shouting KNNBCCB when I saw her change in status on Facebook, but oh well so what? I've never spoken to her in like...ages? and yet I'm still hoping for all this bullshit and this is what I get? FORGET IT..

and it's time to look for a new one too *insert your evil laughter here*..

But still...
She's the only reader of my novel...

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